Monday, July 14, 2008

Environmental Challenge #4

Environmental Challenge of the Week #4
ENJOY the Natural Environment

Unless you take the time to enjoy the natural environment, you may lose sight of the reasons we should work to sustain it. Take the time this week to remember how valuable of a resource the natural environment is-beyond its usefulness to extractive industries, or its usefulness as a waste sink. Consider the spiritual significance of beautiful scenery.

Where to go?

Just yesterday, the two Bluefields cut the ribbon on the city park trail system.
Or check out the Pipestem Resort State Park
Also, the Cascades Waterfall in Pembroke is not too far

Monday, July 7, 2008

Environmental Challenge #3

Environmental Challenge of the Week #3
Eliminate "Phantom" Energy Drains in Your Home

"Phantom" energy drains come from "vampire" appliances. These appliances draw energy from the wall even when turned off or on standby. Most people aren't aware of the extra energy usage, but on average, phantom energy use accounts for 5% of household energy usage.

A lot of stereos will never turn off as long as they're plugged in. They will only go on standby. Appliances like these still draw power. Battery-powered device chargers also draw power when plugged in, even when the device is not being charged.

You can eliminate these energy drains by using power strips to completely cut off power when appliances/devices aren't in use. Also, remember to turn off your computer at night. If you're not using a Mac, it's likely that the daily reboot will help your computer run smoother.

Also, check out this product database, which lists the standby power usage of each product.
